Le Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutions

Publié le par Helena Oops

Le Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutionsLe Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutions

Je sais que le titre choisi pour cet article va sembler un peu étrange, qui dit résolutions dit nouvelle année, mais pour mon cas avec une période pleine d'événements très tristes, des décès, des maladies et ainsi de suite, après avoir plus  ni la force ni le courage d'entreprendre quoi que ce soit j'ai décidé de profiter de cette saison pour me reprendre en mains  et prendre les bonnes décisions afin d'être motivée dans ma vie, d écrire mes articles et tout ce qui peut me prospérer ..

Le Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutions

I know that the title chosen for this article will seem a little strange,who says resolutions says New Year but for my case with a full period of very sad events, deaths, diseases and so on, after no longer have the strength or the courage to undertake anything I decided to enjoy this saison to turn the corner and make the right decisions in order to be motivated up in my life, in writing my articles and anything that can thrive me ..

Le Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutions

Mon dernier article raconte ma triste periode.

My last post relates my sad period..

Me remettre au sport!
Apres etre anéanti par un choc moral on a difficile a reprendre une vie normale  et j ai délaissé le sport car je n etais plus du tout motivée mais pour avoir un corps en bonne santé, et réciproquement la tete  ,il faut que je fasse les bons gestes  que je dépense des calories  ..
il est important de profiter  du beau temps et de sortir décompresser et faire ressortir le stress l angoisse et le chagrin.

Le Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutionsLe Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutions
Le Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutions

Deliver  myself to sport!
After being destroyed by a  difficult moral shock  it s hard to return to normal life and I have forsaken the sport because I  could not longer do it and wasnt at all motivated  but to have a healthy body and conversely the head, I have to do the right gestures and  spend calories ..
it is important to enjoy the weather and get out and decompress highlight stress the anxiety and grief.

Le Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutionsLe Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutions
Le Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutions

Manger mieux et plus sainement!
quand rien ne va plus on a tendance à perdre l apétit ou au contraire manger n importe quoi  n importe quoi.
Je vais remettre les pendules à l heure et manger plus de plats équilibrés, boire plus  d eau et consommer plus de fruits et légumes .et surtout respecter les horaires de la prise des repas.

Le Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutionsLe Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutions

Eat better and healthier!
when nothing goes we tend to lose the apetite or otherwise n eat anything n everything.
I will   put the records straightand eat more balanced meals, drink more water and eat more fruits and veget ables .and especially respect the times of eating meals.

Le Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutionsLe Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutions

Prendre soins de moi meme...
ces derniers je me suis petit à petit délaissée et perdu les bonnes habitudes comme par exemple  prendre soins  de ma peau , de mes cheveux par des soins cocooning .Meme m enduire de creme me paraissait comme un caprice  vu ce qui  était arrivée.
Là je dois  respecter mon corps et lui procurer ce qu il mérite et aussi me faire belle si l envie me reprend..

Le Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutionsLe Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutionsLe Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutions

Take care of it myself ...
this last period  I gradually forsaken myself  and lost the good habits such as taking care of my skin, my hair by pampering cares .Even mto put  my coat cream seemed like a fancy saw after  what had happened.
Here I have to respect my body and give him what he deserves and also make me beautiful if the desire takes me ..

Le Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutionsLe Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutionsLe Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutions

Faire du jardinage..
Pour mieux me dépenser et avoir une vue agréable dans mon jardin quoi de mieux que de planter des fleurs et enlever les mauvaises herbes,   tailler les buissons?
Profiter du beau temps , planter voir pousser  et constater que la vie continue..

Le Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutionsLe Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutions
Le Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutions

Gardening ..
To spend in me and have a nice view in my garden ,what better than planting flowers and pulling weeds, trimming the bushes?
Enjoy the weather, plant and see grow and see that life goes on ..

Le Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutionsLe Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutions
Le Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutions

Faire une wishlist!
Comme j ai zappé ma wishlist de printemps des que je serais plus motivee et que j aurais plus d envies et que je reprendrais le gout au choses je penserais peut etre à partager mes desirs vestimentaires et  de beauté pour cet été..

Le Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutionsLe Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutions

Make my Wishlist!
As I have zapped my  Wishlist of spring because I wasn t motivated and when  I will have more desires and that I would take the taste to things I will maybe share my clothing and beauty desires for   this summer ..

Le Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutionsLe Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutions

Profiter de ceux que j aime!
On s apercoit  bien que trop tard que la vie et bien courte alors  une de mes resolutions c est de profiter de chaque instant avec mon entourage .
C est aussi grace à eux que je remonte de la surface.

Profiter aussi de tous mes animaux grace à eux  aussi j ai retrouvé un équilibre et du reconfort.

Le Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutionsLe Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutions

Take advantage of those I love
We perceives although it  s too late that life  is well short so  one of my resolutions  is to enjoy every moment with my entourage.
It  is also thanks to them that I ascend to the surface.

Also take advantage of all my animals thanks to them as I have found a balance and consolation.

Le Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutionsLe Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutions

Reprendre mon blog en mains!
manquant de motivation  de force et d idees j ai délaissé mon blog tant aimé et là je vais me remettre à écrire en espérant reconquérir mes lecteurs grace à qui je partage de  si belles choses..

Le Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutions

Regain my blog in hands!
Missing force ,motivation and ideas I have neglected my blog so loved and there I m  back to writing hoping  to recapture my readers thanks to whom I share  so beautiful things.

Le Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutions

Voilà quelques résolutions que j ai prises  et ce qui important c est de positiver un maximum regarder les choses  qui vont venir , on ne peut pas oublier le passé mais on peut essayer de vivre avec  en espérant que l avenir sera meilleur.
A tres bientot

Le Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutions

Here are some resolutions that I have taken and what is significant is  be positive up and  looking at things to come, we can not forget the past but we can try to live with hoping  that the future will be better..
See you soon

Le Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutions

“On n'empêche pas la venue du printemps.”
"We can not prevent the coming of spring."

de An Min Yong ,from An Min Yong

Le Printemps pour les bonnes résolutions-Springtime for good resolutions

Evanescence - My Immortal

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I'm so sorry you've have a rough one! Praying you have joy in the new year!<br /> <br /> xx Leah / www.eatpraywearlove.com
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi,<br /> Thank you for your awesime comment.<br /> Enjoy your day!
Hi,<br /> Thank you for your awesime comment.<br /> Enjoy your day!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
Hi!!!<br /> It feels that you are making an effort to come back.<br /> I wish you to come back, full fledged in your blog as well as life!!<br /> Good luck!!!
cool post :)
manger à petite dose et garder la bonne mine
Excellent resolutions Helena, I hope brighter and better days are with you soon x
Thank you Emma.<br /> Also that everything will get better spcailly or the ones I care.<br /> Wish you a nice evening.
Interesting ! :)<br /> NEW POST : THE COLORFUL THOUGHTS
No, dear Helena, we can't prevent the coming of the spring, and this fact is a very good fact :) And you are right, spring time is really good for good resolutions! Many thanks for your beautiful and inspiring post. Hopefully you have your hard times behind you, you are still in my thoughts and I wish you only the best.<br /> xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena<br /> www.dressedwithsoul.com
Dear Rena, <br /> Thank you for this beautiful message ,it really warms my heart up.<br /> Even if it isn t easy to keep the life go on after all what happened,i think I must stand up for my faily and the nes I love.<br /> wish you also the best.<br /> Auf Wiedersehen!
coucou ma tunisienne!<br /> <br /> j 'emmerge peu à peu de mon emmenagement, après une semaine de folie, je suis épuisée physiquement, mon dos n en peu plus....je n ai pas encore internet seulement le 21 je vis dans une grotte, mais ja i retrouvée ma clé 4G, mais suis au lit à 22h, trop crevée, ja i du mal a retrouver la péche....<br /> tu as rason, faut se reprendre en main, la vie est trop courte, mais il y a des phases à respecter pour se reprendre et rebondir, certaines seront sur pied tres vite et d autres un peu plus longuement, chacune respecte son rytme....et puis sans télé depuis bientôt 15 j, je n ai pas à subir toutes cette violence .....<br /> je pense qu avec l âge aussi, ça nous prend plus au tripes......<br /> bisous iodés du bord de mer....
Couco ma bretonne, que ca fait du bien de recevoir de tes nouvelles!<br /> merci pour ce message de réconfort et d encouragement!<br /> Contente pour ton déménagement!<br /> Prends bien soins de toi et bon courage!<br /> Bisous.
Welcome back!
Thanks my dear!<br /> I will do my best!<br /> Baci
Coucou Helena, <br /> Malheureusement, la vie est faite de haut et de bas et parfois plus courte qu'on ne le croit, il faut profiter dde chaque moment. <br /> Courage ma belle et de belles résolutions que tu tiendras et tu as déja conquérie tes lectrices ;)<br /> Bisous
Merci ma belle, tes encouragements me vont droit au coeur.<br /> Je ferais de mon mieux pour aller de l avant.<br /> Bisous en te souhaitant une bonne nouvelle semaine
Great suggestions on how to get back in gear. Sending love your way!<br /> <br /> xx Leah / www.eatpraywearlove.com
Thank you Leah!<br /> It s a little bit like to be in apne not for minutes or seconds ,but days and weeks..<br /> But now, I ll do my best to be the Helena I ve always been.<br /> Wish you a fab weekend!
I hope the new month and the new season bring a new beginning to your life and takethe sorrow away. <br /> Happy month!
Thank you Demi.<br /> An Arabic proverb says" A sweet day, a bitter day,<br /> Untill ends our days"<br /> And so is it,but the best it s to be positive.<br /> Wish you a great weekend!
Amazing tips and pics! I love the colors!!<br /> Baci, Valeria - Coco et La vie en rose new post
Grazie Coco!<br /> Thank you and have a fab weekend !<br /> Baci!
Coucou ma tite Héléna,<br /> La vie n'épargne aucune de nous , il y a des moments de grandes joies et des moments grandes peines . Ca n'est pas toujours facile mais il faut avancer nous n'avons pas le choix .<br /> Je suis de tout cœur avec toi .<br /> Je t'embrasse très fort ma belle <br /> Cathy
Good to see you back Helena! I like your list of resolutions, and I am glad to see you have the strength to go ahead! Keeping my fingers crossed for you! xo
Thank you Stanislavia for the encouragement you can not imagine how it makes me to have you by my side!<br /> Wish you a fab weekend!