Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway closed!the winner!

Publié le par Helena Oops

Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway  closed!the winner!

Bonjour tout le monde!
Tout d'abord je voudrais vous remercier pour votre présence dans mon blog , pour tous vos gentils commentaires , pour cet échange virtuel chaleureux qu'on a malgré les mers et les montagnes qui nous séparent!
Et comme prévu , le concours "La Djellaba" est clos depuis minuit.
Sur ce ,j'ai procédé à un tirage au sort random et croyez moi que s'il m'était vraiment possible , j'aurais aimé offrir à chacune de mes lectrices un joli cadeau ...

Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway  closed!the winner!Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway  closed!the winner!

Hello everybody!
First of all I would like to thank you for your presence in my blog, for all your kind comments, for this warm virtual exchange we have despite the seas and mountains that separate us!
And as expected, the contest "La Djellaba" is closed since midnight.
On this, I randomly made a random draw and believe me that if it was really possible, I would have liked to offer each of my readers a nice gift ...

Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway  closed!the winner!Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway  closed!the winner!

Il m'a tout d'abord  fallu selectionner une liste de participants , et bien sur  j'ai trié parmis les commentaires tous ceux qui étaient interessés à participer ,  ceux qui m'ont fourni une adresse mail valide et j'ai vérifié aussi qu'ils soient bien abonnés .
Et voici la liste que j'ai constitué :

Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway  closed!the winner!
Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway  closed!the winner!

First of all, I selected a list of participants, and of course I sort out the comments of all those who were interested in participating, those who gave me a valid email address and I also checked that they were well subscribed.
And here is the list that  I have constituted:

Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway  closed!the winner!
Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway  closed!the winner!

Ensuite j'ai procédé au tirage au sort random et voici sans plus tarder  la gagnante du concours ,il s'agit de:
Bravo à la gagnante !
Désolée pour les autres participants ,je partagerai d'autres concours donc ne manquez pas mes prochains articles , vous aurez peut etre plus de chance la prochaine fois!

Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway  closed!the winner!
Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway  closed!the winner!
Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway  closed!the winner!

Then I proceeded to a random draw and here without further delay the winner of the contest, it is:
Congratulations to the winner !
Sorry for the other participants, I will share other giveaways  so do not miss my next articles, you may be more lucky next time!

Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway  closed!the winner!
Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway  closed!the winner!
Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway  closed!the winner!

Stanislava ,je vais t'envoyer un message privé afin que tu m'informe de ton adresse postale  ,et je t'enverrai ton prix dès que possible en espérant qu'il te fera plaisir .
Encore une fois félicitations !

Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway  closed!the winner!Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway  closed!the winner!

Stanislava, I will send you a private message so that you can inform me of your postal address, and I will send you your price as soon as possible hoping that it will please you.
Again congratulations!

Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway  closed!the winner!Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway  closed!the winner!

Autre chose ,  il m'a été souvent proposés des concours de partenariats que j'ai refusé ,tout simplement car ils acceptaient  seulement certains pays ou un seul pays.
Donc , comme toutes mes abonnées doivent avoir les meme droits ,   quitte à  faire moins de concours ou à acheter des lots locaux  ,je n'organise que des concours internationaux  ,car je vous aime tous!

Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway  closed!the winner!Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway  closed!the winner!

Another thing , I was often offered partnerships giveaways  that I refused, simply because they only accepted certain countries or a single country.
So, since all my subscribers must have the same rights, even if I organize less giveaways  or buy local prizes, I only organize international contests because I love you all!

Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway  closed!the winner!Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway  closed!the winner!

Voilà  tout ,avant de vous quitter ,je voudrais vous demander votre avis à propos des sujets d'articles qui vous interessent le plus!
Voyages , cuisine ,beauté ,santé ,animaux,mode...... vos avis comptent beaucoup pour moi ,d'autant plus que vous venez des 4 coins du monde et que j'aimerais faire plaisir à tout le monde.
Je vous souhaite  beaucoup de bonheur ,de chance ,de santé ..

Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway  closed!the winner!Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway  closed!the winner!

That's all, before leaving you, I would like to ask you for your opinion on the subjects of articles that interest you the most!
Travel, cooking, beauty, health, animals,fashion ...... your opinions matter a lot to me, especially since you come from all over the world and I would like to please everyone.
I wish you much happiness, luck, health.

Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway  closed!the winner!Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway  closed!the winner!

«La meilleure partie de ta vie se compose de tes amitiés»
"The best part of your life is your friendships"

D'Abraham Lincoln ,from Abraham Lincoln

Concours La Djellaba clos !le gagnant!The Djellaba giveaway  closed!the winner!

Publié dans Concours

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great post dear and congratulations. ;) hope you vould check my blog too =) keep in touch :D <br />
Nana! I'm so happy to find your blog again !<br /> Sure I will check!<br /> Enjoy your week !
Congrats Stanislava! Helena you are the best host ever! Love you!
Thanks my bellissima Coco!<br /> Enjoy your week !
Coucou felicitation à la personne gagnante
Merci ma belle Kat!<br /> Bonne semaine !
Happy weekend, dear Helena!<br /> xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena <br />
Oh, it was really interesting to see how you managed to get the winner! Congratulations to Stanislava and thanks again you offered such a wonderful giveaway!<br /> Auf Wiedersehen!<br /> xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena<br />
Thank you Rena!<br /> There will be more giveaways soon so stay tuned!<br /> Enjoy your sunday !
Congrats to the winner, dear! xoxo
Thank you !<br /> <br /> Enjoy your week!
Congratulations to the winner!
Thank you Demi!<br /> Enjoy your week!