Et la vie continue...And life goes on...

Publié le par Helena Oops

Et la vie continue...And life goes on...

Je vous assure ce n est pas facile pour moi d écrire cet article.

Vous mes fidéles lecteurs vous avez certainement compris qu il y avait quelque chose qui ne tournait pas en rond ces derniers temps?
Je ne veux pas vous étaler ma vie privée,tout juste vous apprendre que j ai perdu un etre cher dans ma famille , plus précisément ma jeune niéce.

Et la vie continue...And life goes on...

I assure you it's not easy for me to write this article.

You my faithful readers have certainly understood you that there was something that was not running in circles lately?
I don t  want you going to spread my private life, just tell you that I have lost a loved one in my family, specifically my young niece.

Et la vie continue...And life goes on...

Je n ai pas encore terminé mon deuil que j apprends aussi que ce que j ai de si cher au monde est atteint d une grave distance nous a peut etre séparés mais la tendresse fraternelle ne le fera jamais..

Et la vie continue...And life goes on...Et la vie continue...And life goes on...

I have not yet finished my mourning that I learned also that what I have so much of the world is suffering from a serious illness .... distancecan maybe  separate us  but fraternal tenderness never will separate us  ..

Et la vie continue...And life goes on...Et la vie continue...And life goes on...

Et sans oublier l hospitalisation d une personne que je considere comme ma mere ,et que je souhaite tant reprendre des forces et redevenir aussi saine qu avant!

Et la vie continue...And life goes on...

And not forgetting the hospitalization of a person I consider as my mother, and I want  her to regain strength and become as healthy than before! 

Et la vie continue...And life goes on...

Toute la tristesse et le chagrin qui s est abattu sur moi ces semaines , me fait revivre avec amertume mes propres décéptions et échecs  ces anges à qui je pense déjà tous les jours..
et ainsi j ai perdu tout motivation et envie d écrire , meme si j ai continué à lire les articles de mes amies pour ne pas trop m engouffrer dans la  morosité.

Et la vie continue...And life goes on...

All the sadness and grief that has befallen me these weeks made me relive my own bitter disappointments and failures to those angels that I think already all day ..
and so I have lost all motivation and desire to write, even if I have continued to read the articles of my friends to  not to engulf myself  in  the gloom.

Et la vie continue...And life goes on...

Je me suis dit , qu il fallait que je fasse un retour vers mon blog  pour ne pas tomber encore plus dans cette dépression , essayer de tourner la page et voir les bonnes choses de la vie et surtout continuer à vivre tout en souhaitant que ceux qui sont malades guérissent , qui ceux qui ne sont plus là reposent en paix et que tout aille pour le mieux pour tout le monde.

Et la vie continue...And life goes on...

..I told myself, I had to make a return to my blog to  not to fall even more in this depression, try to turn the page and see the good things in life and especially to continue living while hoping that those who are sick heal, that those who are gone rest in peace and that everything goes well for everyone.

Et la vie continue...And life goes on...

En ce moment je couve une  grippe qui prendra quelques temps pour me quitter , elle aussi  , mais  des que j irais mieux moralement et physiquement je reviendrais avec nouveaux articles en espérant que vous viendrez me rendre visite comme toujours.

Et la vie continue...And life goes on...

Right now I smoldering  an influenza that  will take some time  to leave me , too, but when I would get better mentally and physically I would return with new articles and hope you'll come and visit me as always.

Et la vie continue...And life goes on...
Et la vie continue...And life goes on...

«Parfois, nos yeux doivent être lavés par nos larmes, afin que nous puissions voir la vie avec une vision plus claire à nouveau»
"Sometimes our eyes need to be washed by our tears, so that we can see life with a clearer vision again"

D'Alex tan,From Alex tan

Et la vie continue...And life goes on...

Publié dans Amertume

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Writing about it and sharing your feelings with others may help ease your pain.
I just lost my husband's sister who died in my arms(last snday), I took care of her since several years already<br /> ..3th death in barely three months.<br /> God !what life is unfair sometimes..
j'ai adoré ce post
I'm so sorry Helena that you've been going through such a tough time. These experiences are enough to derail anyone so take all the time you need to focus on you and I hope you feel better soon x
Thank you Emma for your awesome comment..<br /> Yes,it s like to be under the deep sea in apne and trying to breath..<br /> Step by step , I m returning to life.<br /> wish you a fab weekend..
I'm so sorry for the loss and grief you are feeling!! Hugs!<br /> <br /> xx Leah /
Thank you for your awesome comment.<br /> I ve been in apne this period and trying to come back stp by step.<br /> wish you all the best.
Helena I'm so sorry dear, you are in my heart.... Baci, Valeria - Coco et La vie en rose new post
Grazie Valeria,<br /> My bellissima friend.Im coming back slowly..<br /> Wish you a fab Friday!<br /> Baci
c'est vrai malgré tout les problèmes la vie continue
Sorry for your lost Helena<br /> I don`t know french, so I only read with an automate translation, don`t know if I undersood it well. Hope you`ll be fine!<br /> <br /> <br /> Kaiyo Aino Blog-White Dress<br /> Facebook<br /> Instagram
Hi Helena. I am really sorry for your loss! I just don't know what to say. You are a strong woman, and I thank you for being so open and honest with us, your readers. I am sure that your niece is at a better place right now! Sending you a lot of hugs, Helena!
Thank you for your kind support, unfortunately March 5 early in the morning, I lose my fair mother too. <br /> May she rest in peace.<br /> xx<br /> Helena
Sorry to hear you are going through a tough time. I hope you feel better soon.
Thank you for your kind support, unfortunately March 5 early in the morning, I lose my fair mother too. <br /> May she rest in peace.<br /> xx<br /> Helena
Darling Helena I didn't know about all of this. I'm there with you sweet friend!
Thank you for your kind support, unfortunately March 5 early in the morning, I lose my fair mother too. <br /> May she rest in peace.<br /> xx<br /> Helena
la roue tourne ma belle, en attendant je sais combien tu vis des moments douloureux, je t'embrasse fort
Je te remercie pour ton gentil soutien , malheureusement le 5 mars tot le matin ,je perdis ma belle mere aussi.<br /> Qu elle repose en paix..<br /> Bisous.
Je te remercie pour ton gentil soutien , malheureusement le 5 mars tot le matin ,je perdis ma belle mere aussi.<br /> Qu elle repose en paix
I am so sorry for your loss.<br /> Writing about it and sharing your feelings with others may help ease your pain.<br /> I hope you feel better soon.
Thank you for your kind support, unfortunately March 5 early in the morning, I lose my fair mother too. <br /> May she rest in peace.<br /> xx<br /> Helena